Morocco has a high tolerance for world religions while having respect for its own religion.
The Kingdom is nearly 100% Muslim and practices modern Islam. In 2015, King Mohammed VI founded Institut Mohammed Vi De La Formation Des Imams Mourchidines Et Mourchidates, a Moroccan Muslim Institute in Rabat for Imams and preachers from Africa and Europe; a bachelors degree is required to apply.
The goal of the program is for students – who study for up to 3 years – to return to their countries better prepared to discuss the fundamentals of Islam without the extremism. The program trains 1,300 people who come from France and the sub-Sahara region (Mali, Senegal, Nigeria, Guinea, Gambia, and Chad).
The curriculum includes philosophy, history of religions, sexual education, and mental health. “We show them that the concepts of democracy and human rights serve purposes rooted in Islamic values,” said institute director Abdeslam Lazaar.
The Imams also learn vocational skills in agriculture, tailoring, and electronics to assist them in building a source of income. During the program, students receive 2,000 dirhams ($208.33) a month, free accommodation, plane tickets, and health insurance. The Pope visited the Imam training center in March.