Moroccan born scientist Khalil Amine has been awarded the Global Energy Prize for New Technologies. The award acknowledges the world’s most critical environmental issues solved with environmentally-friendly energy tactics.
Doctor Amine’s work has been followed by top scientists and leaders for decades. He was cited as the most important scientist to watch in the field of battery technology from 1998-2008. His extensive resume includes leading research projects for organizations like Japan Storage Battery Company, the Osaka National Research Institute, and Kyoto University. Currently, he is the head of the Technology Development group in the Electrochemical Energy Storage Department for Argonne’s Chemical Sciences and Engineering Division.
Scientist Khalil Amine has been awarded the Global Energy Prize for New Technologies.
The Global Energy Prize award is recognized as one of TOP-99 International Academic Awards. It holds high prestige and is delivered by the President of the Russian Federation. Nobel Peace Prize winner British Scientist Rodney Allam oversaw the committee of judges. In 2018, the Prize fund amounted to 39 million RUB (about 530 000 euros).