The City of Tangier recently announced that it will welcome the Gibraltar and Morocco Business Association (GMBA) to open up an office. Gibraltar is located just 90 minutes by ferry and bus from Tangier. The collaboration reflects economic changes; in recent years the number of imports and labor by sea has increased. The news followed shortly after a meeting between Gibraltar’s Deputy Chief Minister Dr. Joseph Garcia, the President of the Association Clive Reed, and members of the Committee took place.
“This private-sector initiative could not have come at a better time…. there have been several attempts over the years to intensify that commercial relationship. The opening of a private commercial office in Tangier has the potential to serve as a conduit for trade in both directions……in identifying positive solutions post-Brexit…..(we want) to explore new commercial markets in Morocco,” stated Deputy Garcia.
The idea to establish the office has been contemplated on several occasions. It meets the GMBA’s mission to promote and preserve this alliance between the two countries. The opportunity will open business relationship opportunities through its seminars, workshops, and exchange programs.
“The opening of a private commercial office in Tangier has the potential to serve as a conduit for trade in both directions,” said the Gibraltar government.
The Gibraltar and Morocco Business Association is a nonprofit organization. Its aims to assist in developing business collaborations, promoting investments and trade between Gibraltar and Morocco, and encourages social, artistic, educational and cultural exchanges.