Marrakech’s La Conserverie Showcases Sound Installation by Simohamed Fettaka & Amine Rharbi

La Conserverie, Marrakech, Sound & Light Installation

La Conserverie, a cultural gem located outside of central Marrakech will exhibit Experiment#1 Haram: Sound of Concrete, a sound performance, and installation by Simohamed Fettaka and Amine Rharbi.  Fettaka lives between Paris and Tangier and is a multi-disciplinary artist who has produced documentaries, experimental videos and has worked at the Cinematheque de Tangier for over 5 years. Rharbi is a visual artist from Rabat. The two artists explored the peripheral urban spaces in Morocco, with specific emphasis on families who are living in concrete un-finished buildings where iron rods from the upper floors sit unfinished and await additional financial investment. The two artists were intrigued by the acoustic landscape composed of sounds from ongoing construction machinery. The theme of the show is built upon the premise that a key part of what defines an urban identity are the sounds, dots, lines, and evolution of residential construction projects. Doors open at 7pm, April 6th.