Cleopatra Wins of 12th Annual Donkey Pagent in Morocco

“Cleopatra” Wins 12th Moroccan Donkey Pageant

Morocco is a country that holds the donkey in high esteem. The animal is a hard worker and can be seen throughout the country’s hillside and medinas. It carries large objects like TVs, baskets of produce, propane tanks, sacks of spices, textiles, and other construction materials. In 2009, Smithsonian Magazine counted that 100,000 people living in Fes relied on the donkey. The ancient imperial city has the largest uncongested urban free-zone. Fes was built by Idriss II. He is considered the main founder of the spiritual capital and helped spread Islam throughout Morocco.

To honor the donkey, Morocco held an annual 3-day Beni Ammar Festival of Zarhoun. The 12th edition took place on July 25-28, 2019. The theme was centered around celebrating the donkey for being faithful and helpful in Moroccan daily life.

The festival is highlighted by the donkey pageant. Donkey owners enter their prized animals to compete in categories of health, grooming, strength, speed, and overall physical appearance. This year six donkeys entered the beauty show. The ten judges chose “Cleopatra” as the winner. Cleopatra was awarded a sack of barley, a certificate, and a check for 2,500 MAD ($251 USD). In Morocco, the soap of the donkey is used as a traditional and respected beauty product for cleansing the skin. Legend has it that the Egyptian Goddess Cleopatra bathed in donkey’s milk.