In May 2017, Morocco’s Themis and Nigeria’s Klingline Development collaborated on the Gazoduc project. The goal was to link Nigeria to Morocco through a gas pipeline, speed up electrification projects in West Africa and create competition in the region; the aim was to help 300 million people. In 2018, Neo Themis was created to launch Africa Power Investment Platform between Themis and Denham Capital. Currently, Themis and Klingline have solidified their partnership to build a natural gas electricity plant in Ondo State Industiral Park in southern Nigeria. The project called the Klingline Power Project plans to sell 4.5 terawatts per hour of electricity to the state company. Right now, Nigeria’s operating capacity is 4,000 megawatts. However, it has 13,400 megawatts at maximum capacity and 15,000 megawatts of demand. The goal is to make the project fully operational by 2020.