Founded in 1992 by Mr. Andre Azoulay, a Senior adviser to King Mohammed VI of Morocco, the Andalusian Atlantic Music Festival celebrates the diverse heritage of Moroccans and the town of Essaouira’s historical co existence of Jews, Berbers, Spaniards, Muslims and Christians who contributed in weaving together a multicultural and rich artistic coastal town.
The 12th Andalusian Atlantic Music Festival features concerts along with round table discussions and debates led by academics and professionals in the artistic field as to contribute the importance of cultural diversity.
The schedule for Essaouira 12th Andalusian Atlantic Music Festival from October 29th – 31st, 2015 is featured here:
Thursday, October 29, 2015
Salle Omnisport
21h: Compania de Danza Flamenca, a spectacle of Flamenco Dance and Music
22h: Joseph and Daniel Afriat, Jacob “Coco ” Tordjman, Abdelhak El Kaabe Is and Houssam Guinea, a concert of the Intimate connection between Jews and Muslims
Friday, October 30, 2015
Dar Souiri
10h: Projection of the court-feature film “Ya lhmama” (the dove) a collaboration with the pianist Amit Hai Cohen
10h30 : Forum: “An Essaouira Culture Banquet of sharing ”
15 h30 : Concert with Moroccan singer, Benjamin Bouzaglo
16h30 : The Orchestra of Rachid Ouchehad and the brothers Abdellaoui, a concert of Chgouri after midnight featuring Spiritual Music
Hall Omnisport
21h: Malhoun Music Conservatory and Andalusian Musical interpretations by Nabyla Maan Zaineb Afailal and Amine Debbi and musicians
21h50 : Concert with the Singer, Sanaa Marahati. It will resume the works of popular Salim Halali with the Orchestra Shabab Alwatan Organization Al Andalous
Saturday, October 31, 2015
Hotel Mgallery the Medina
10h Projection of the film “Aida” of Driss Mrini on the relationship Judeo-Muslim connections in Morocco.
Dar Souiri
16h: Innovative Concert for new arrangements and the traditional repertoire of Arabo-andalusian music
17h: Concert with the female ensemble Tangerois Arij after midnight: a concert of Spiritual Music
Hall Omnisport
21h: Festival finale with the Orchestra Shabab Al Watan Organization Al Andalous, and the voice of Benjamin Bouzaglo, brothers Afriat and Jacob Tordjman. They will be joined by Sanaa Marahati and Zainab Afailal for the final concert
For more information about the 12th Andalusian Atlantic Music Festival or Essaouira Private Tours