After a meeting on September 21, 2019, held at the Royal Palace in Rabat between King Mohammed VI and Saad Eddine El Othmani, Moroccan citizens were promised that new decrees would soon follow. At the Throne Day Speech on July 29, 2019, the King applauded the many advancements that took place during his twenty years of reign. He also acknowledged that not all Moroccans could enjoy the benefits and that his goal is to amend this.
“The effects of progress and achievements made has, unfortunately, not been felt by all segments of the Moroccan society.” In order to do amend this primary issue, he announced his request for Saad Eddine El Othmani, the Head of Government to propose a list of new people to fill executive posts in the government. The civil service than shared with his spokesperson Mustapha El Khalfi, that “any reforms to be undertaken, will be solely under the decision of the head of government.”
On October 17, 2020, the result of these conversations was announced in a press conference conducted by a new government spokesperson Hassan Abiaba.
A New 2020 Appropriation Bill (PLF) and three new projects will target a 3.7% Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for 2020. The boost to the GDP will be assumed from a cereal harvest of 70 million quintals, an oil price of $67 per barrel and an average butane gas price of $350 per tone.
The PLF bill is based on four priorities. The first will target a reform on education and training systems and develop a plan for vocational training and promote entrepreneurship. The second priority will be to extend medical coverage and health insurance to disadvantaged groups and priority three will be to speed up the implementation of regionalization to strengthen regional resources. The fourth priority is aimed at investing in and supporting businesses.